Monday, April 27, 2009

I Am Having Withdraw!

Ack! It has been too long since my last "real" time with my new love of my life! I am starting to forget a lot of what I worked so hard to memorize. Hopefully this weekend will allow me more quality time.

Training Update: Non-existent, other than trying to keep my eyes open while on the road in rush hour traffic. Possibly this Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I'll make a trip to mountain territory to tackle another 30 minutes. If my body can handle it, ideally, I would like to run 45 minutes to an hour...we'll see.

hmmm...grades are due Wednesday, the auction computers need to be set-up for this Saturday, and computers are failing all over the school; yeah, summer vacation needs to hurry up and get here! At least these school related obligations have to be completed this week leaving my weekend open and next week a little lighter.

Here is something that I received in my e-mail:

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Run Away!

Training Update

Well I ran again today. I am hurting. My body already started off tired so my breathing was hectic and I didn't feel like I wanted to move. However, my competitiveness within me willed my body to exercise. I really want to drop my time in the rock 'n roll half marathon - definitely breaking 3 hours. Ideally, I would like to break 2:50:00:00. Although, just breaking three will suffice.

So, I ran approximately 3 miles at 00:28:55:38. Woohoo, I broke 30 minutes! I wasn't prepared to do this but I felt tired and thought I was going slow, so I pushed myself harder - unknowingly picking up the pace. I'm going to pay for that later, though.

Now I'm off to accomplish a few eating.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

First Real Attempt

Alright. So, yes, I am sleep deprived because of my shiny "new" toy. I will now attempt to limit how much I practice. Although, my determination in finishing this one song is oh so overpowering. What ever am I to do! My CDO is most definitely kicking in and I must find completion! =]

By the by, the results for some "procedures" seem to present themselves in my favor. Today's field trip was a much better visit than that of a couple days ago. Hopefully, all's well and will end well.


Since this first initial post, I have been practicing for an hour and a half. Moonlight is almost re-memorized with minimal mistakes. The real test is to see if I can play it without music on a real piano. Now that it's 11:30 pm and certain movies have been downloaded to the correct location, I must sleep.

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Last Five Hours!

I set up my new toy and spent hours practicing one song! Both wrists are sore and so are my fingers on my right hand; it's wonderful!! I never thought I would be able to practice like that again! After all that practice, what do I have to show for it? =) The first 2 pages of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata re-memorized! Yay, me.

I figured I should start with a rather simple song to loosen my fingers. This song in particular always reminds me of Liberace. I remember watching TV and seeing a clip of him in his later years, playing this song without a keyboard. I was very young and did not understand what he was doing. I did not understand why he was moving his fingers as though he were actually playing the keys on the piano. However, the piece played despite the non-existent instrument. As my intrigue of this phenomenon increased, I found myself rapt in his passion. I remember the emotion conveyed in his face as he put his entire being into the song. I finally understood that while his eyes were closed, he pretended to play a piano, and we, as viewers, heard the song as though we were hearing his thoughts.

From then on, I practiced playing with as much passion as he. Although I have said many time over that I have committed emotional suicide, I realize that these emotions merely have been dormant. Now I am able to allow my emotions to rage freely through the songs I play.

Training Update

My days of involuntary training to and from school are over (for now). Unfortunately, due to unforeseen consequences, the day progressed leaving me incapable of training elsewhere for the next "couple" of days, as well. Yet, light shines with the arrival of a means for music in my home once more =]

Maybe I'll record a bit of my playing, visually as well as audibly, for those that might take an interest.

I think I might need to arrange a few things in my humble abode to provide adequate accommodations. Can't wait!

Monday, April 20, 2009

So it comes to this...

The following words is an excerpt taken from The Lost Diaries of a Would-Be Hero.

Today I lived reminiscent of the days of my youth. Those days seemed dim and unrequited, void of hope and full of fear. Yet, now I found bravery (or was it bravado?) I found fore site (or has the future been predestined and coming forthwith?) I found knowledge (or has it been merely only what my ignorance allows?) My journey has been but small and insignificant and I must endure for the remainder of the journey is long. Until then, may I not walk into what could "blow up" before me.

Training Update:
Walked less than a mile to and from school with twenty extra pounds of various school supplies on my back. Will most likely have to take up this routine until circumstances prove otherwise. Hopefully the rain subsides, at least for the duration of these brief outdoor excursions.

No rain song, please. Well, perhaps only when accommodating shelter is near!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

One Small Adventure

What would a day be without one small adventure? I thought, as my last day of vacation, that a calm movie and dinner with a good friend should bring a wonderful break to completion. This was not to be the case. Yet, however small the inconsistency in plans, it was still an adventure worthy to be had. Unfortunately, my only measure of triumph are two bloodied knuckles and a dirty pink shirt. Now time to sit back a relax for the remainder of my "time off".

A Reply to "Blog Post #25":

All this talk of good, evil, and neutral reminded me of one of my really early pencil drawings when I had those attributes in mind.

Is evil that hand which is falling, while good reaches towards it?

Or, is evil that hand which has released the other, allowing the good to fall?

0r, will the hands never meet for there will always be an unseen barrier giving neither good nor evil the upper hand?

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Here is the finished product that was given today. I ended up receiving the board just yesterday and managed the "un-burning". I know I stated where the mistake was made, but ...

can you tell?

My overall opinion:
- not one of my best
- very generic to the point of unimaginative and sterile
- a plain reproduction of "nothing" in particular

However, to the receiver:
- ecstatic at the thought that it was made
- and outright giddy upon receiving as a gift

The following words is an excerpt taken from The Lost Diaries of a Would-Be Hero.

I do believe my muse has left me to dangle in a torrent of black winds causing an unraveling of my mind. I can only surmise that my current anxieties over the outcome for this coming Tuesday and the days to follow are the reason for my descent. Much to my dismay I have none to steer the darkness away. I succumb to thee without fail.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Training Update

Another early day. I actually felt a little better than my last run. I hope so; I need to be running 45 minutes without problem by the end of this month. At least, that's my goal.

Ran at Trashmore for approximately 3 miles at 30 minutes. Woohoo! I haven't decreased in time...yet, and still feeling strong!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I thought these were funny.

Training Update:
Ran at Trashmore, approximately 3 miles: 30 minutes

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cats Hanging Around

My first attempt at combining pyrography and scrollsawing.

I wasn't sure how the scrollsawing would work out and surprisingly I was able to pull off the simple cuts without too much damage apparent in the final product. I am unhappy with the burns; they seem so elementary and unthoughtful. Definitely room for improvement and experimentation. I might try painting the wood on my next one.

I think my main concern is that the whole project lacks any of my personality. Larger also might do the trick; we'll see.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Eagles Board

This board is supposed to be a gift to the founder of Eagles Self-Defense Academy. A friend proposed the idea and wished to work on the project as a joint effort. Sure, why not. Hopefully this endeavor might prove profitable some day.

This picture shows my completion within a week. The board itself was given to me on Thursday (2 April 2009). My friend now has the board as of 10 April 2009 so it can be completed.

Board is approximately 30 x 24 inches.
Eagles Self-Defense Academy logo.
Enamel Paint: Green, Red, and Yellow.
Double striped border, edge, and "EAGLES" to be shaded by collegue.

Here is list of what is left to be completed:
01. The border (to frame the image).
02. The shading of the word "eagles".
03. On the back, the word "eagles" penciled and burned.
04. On the back beneath the word "eagles", a list of all the black belts penciled and burned.


I just received a text that the year is incorrect. This should be fun attempting to "un-burn" the eight and burn it into a nine. I have made mistakes on burns before so this won't be too difficult to change.

This is my first joint burning project. With the mentality of "if you want something done right, than do it yourself", it is excessively difficult to allow my work to be passed to another having faith that what I have done won't be affected by the endeavors of the other

Training Update:
Ran at Trashmore approximately three miles: 33 minutes

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 1

Welcome to my musings!

Today is the last day before Spring Break! I have less than an hour before school dismisses and then only one other obligation in the evening before vacation truly begins. I can't wait!