Monday, September 21, 2009

A Good While

Well, school has definitely begun and I am back into the swing of things. Since my last post the Rock N' Roll half marathon took place and I am pleased to announce I achieved my goal; I broke 3 hours. Granted, I only broke it by 27 seconds...but hey, I still broke it. My goal for next year is to break 2 hours and 50 minutes. I think I can do it.

Training has pretty much stopped due to the busy-ness of everyday life. I will have to schedule some time for running, probably in the mornings before school??? Will have to see once life sorta calms down.

Some other news: I may be moving into a house within the next three months - still waiting on the realtor.

Not much more to say. The day has been busy and full of complaints that I am not in much of a mood to write.