Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm Back!


Can't wait 'til the next trip up!

P.S. One of the days I had a pretty good workout. The rest of the days were spent playing. Oh well. So I slacked off a bit. I'll work twice as hard next week when I get my strength back from travelling.

I never thought I would be able to survive a 12 hour road trip!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Can't Wait!

Should be a fun weekend!

P.S. Hopefully I'll be able to get a workout though...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Another Workout!?!

This mornings endeavour, as pitiful as it may have been, was a little unusual for my training routine which does not mean the rest of the day should be just as unusual. After a great movie and a brief stroll through one of my favourite stores, I proceeded to Chesapeake for my evening exercises.

Since having ran this morning, I lessened my mileage as well as time. My training partner had already began their stroll around the park completing 5 1/2 laps. This is also with 5 lb weights, not what I would recommend for the beginner or even intermmediate trainer unless you have had prior weight training. Anyways, I completed 4 laps at 00:32:24 and ran/walk the last lap with my training partner. Immediately following was an hour of martial arts training beginning with 60 crunches, 40 push-ups, and much needed stretching.

I am thoroughly physically tired, not exhausted but tired. And it is a good "tired". I had a great training day! I am sore, but I feel good :o)

Okay, I'm Tired :o)

Today was a Mt. Trashmore run:

2 1/2 loops at 1:25:47. The first loop split was at 00:33:49. The second loop split was at 1:06:23. That's the longest I have run in a while, yay! No bo workout; I took too long to go around the lake that my running partner was finishing soon after me.

Onward to see Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Late Monday Afternoon Training Update

Well that was pitiful...again!

Chesapeake run: 8 laps at 1:06:36 with a 00:32:16 split. One lap is approximately 3/4 a mile so hopefully I ran about 6 miles. The next 45 minutes was spent stretching, crunches, push-ups, and various other exercises for strengthening my legs and stretching out my back muscles. My back still seems to be giving me grief. I guess that's going to take a while to heal.

My training partner in Chesapeake had to stop walking after the 4th lap. Not bad for just starting to walk distances! Blisters can really be a pain if your feet aren't accustomed to the wear and tear that happens inside the shoe.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Morning Training Update

That was somewhat relaxing. Two loops (yay!) at approximately 6 miles 1:05:25 with a 00:35:14 split. Heh, I thought it amusing that my second loop was 5 minutes faster than the first! :oP

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! to all the dads, soon-to-be-dads, and "Fathers"! May the blessings of your children bring you joy for many years.

Now to gather in Suffolk!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Back on the Pavement

So, I am finally out of the hospital and back on the pavement wearing off more rubber from the soles of my shoes.

I actually felt pretty good and was willing to run 2 loops; however, the "other" was not, and so I ran a relaxing approximate 3 miles at 00:34:04.

Tomorrow I plan on the 2 loops. Let's see if it'll happen! :o]

Monday, June 15, 2009

Second Post of the Day??

Wow, didn't think I would have that much free time to type two posts in one day! Ah well, just amusing myself!

Anyways, this is another Training Update:

My efforts for developing a regular routine for the summer are underway! I am pleased that I have continued training without a single day off and I still have a bit of energy. hmm...makes a difference when you don't have to deal with school work and screaming, irresponsible kids.

I completed another approximate 3 miles at 00:32:39. This time I ran in Chesapeake. Directly afterwards: 50 crunches and 25 push-ups.

After a bit of stretching, martial arts training soon commenced and lasted for just over an hour. I definitely need to work on my leg strength.

Race and Training Update

I'm a little late on the post but I thought I'd post anyways:

Saturday's Children's Hospital 8k run was terrible. I was not prepared for the humidity as well as the heat. Since the course was predominantly neighborhood and the like, no air seemed to circulate unless you were running faster than my pace.

However, despite the challenge I finished the race with a not so nice time of 1:01:27 according to my watch, and 1:01:41 according to chip time. I am one minute slower than the Shamrock 8k. :[ boo. If I hadn't walked those few minutes, I probably would have been under the hour. Oh well. I'll have to train harder so that my back won't be so sore from breathing so hard when the weather is thick.

Although I had run a race Saturday, I maintained my training schedule and took a trip out to the hills completing my usual 1 loop easy workout: approximately 3 miles at 00:32:34 concluding with an hour bo workout. The bo workout turned out to be more of stretching than too much of bo training.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Training Update and School Progress

Alright, so I think this is the last Training Update until the race:

approximately 3 miles (1 loop; trying to take it easy) at 00:30:27. Even though my back is still giving me grief, I felt pretty good. I sort of wanted to do another loop, but better judgement told me to take it easy if I wanted to do well on the 8K.

Thanks again for keeping me company for the first mile!

As for school progress, at the end of yesterday all of Hall C (only classrooms in use) and the 2 sixth grade classrooms are "bagged and tagged" (excluding the one dud in 6B, which will be needing replacing along with PK4 Petrusky). As of the end of today, all of Sabato Wing has begun the updating process. Two computers have had Disk Cleanups and Defrags, but later found more updates. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow I can finish Sabato Wing. Friday I will not be working on the computers for the electricity will be shut down to the system.

Much thanks for lunch and all the help with Sabato Wing! I am sure with your help (and computers willing) Sabato will be finished before 2PM!

Now I am off to get a few things ready before I head out to Suffolk.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pretty Much Over

WOOHOO! Finally! After an exhausting weekend and almost making myself too sick to even make it into work, school is officially over! However, I still have to get quite a few things cleaned up before I can truly call it quits for the summer. So basically, I will be returning to the school for probably a couple more weeks until I can finish. It will be nice to work without constant disruption, though! I gots to remember my mp3 player; it gets pretty boring.

Wish me luck for this weekend: the Children's Hospital 8k race will be early Saturday. Let's see if I can finish under an hour. My last race (about 3 months ago) was the Shamrock 8k and I finished that one just over an hour. I finished that race with 2 hurt ankles and a knee that doesn't like the cold mixed with strenuous exercise giving me tons of pain with every step I took. If I can finish that race in pain and just over an hour, I should be able to finish this one under and hour with minimal pain. *wish I hadn't hurt my back* If I really want to challenge myself and don't care about the consequences later, I could try and pace with my older sister! That might be wishful thinking though! ;0P

Guess I should make a special request: play the "rain song" early Saturday! Hopefully rain will keep temperatures down.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another Week Bites the Dust

Training Update:

2 loops, approximately 6 miles at 1:06:36 with an approximate 34 minute split time. Running partner had already completed 18 miles in the past 2 days so times are little slower. I could have sped it up but ever since my back issues, my legs lack a lot of strength and my hips welcomed all sharp pains. Oh yeah, no bo workout today.

Side note: almost done with school. I have 2 more days and then I am finally home free. Nothing can stand in my way of exercising, practicing piano, and building up a portfolio (among other smaller projects).

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Finally, Another Training Update

I actually ran last Sunday, but my schedule has been a bit hectic and exhausting that I failed to post on time. So, here it is:

Considering I had pulled a muscle in my back the Tuesday prior, I ran approximately 3 miles ( 1 figure-8) at 00:31:52. Then, a gentle climb to the top of the hill for another 30-minute workout with my bo staff.

Side note: School is almost over!!!!!!