Monday, June 15, 2009

Second Post of the Day??

Wow, didn't think I would have that much free time to type two posts in one day! Ah well, just amusing myself!

Anyways, this is another Training Update:

My efforts for developing a regular routine for the summer are underway! I am pleased that I have continued training without a single day off and I still have a bit of energy. hmm...makes a difference when you don't have to deal with school work and screaming, irresponsible kids.

I completed another approximate 3 miles at 00:32:39. This time I ran in Chesapeake. Directly afterwards: 50 crunches and 25 push-ups.

After a bit of stretching, martial arts training soon commenced and lasted for just over an hour. I definitely need to work on my leg strength.

1 comment:

  1. Saying you need to work on leg strength after saying you ran 3 miles is frightening, lol. The dice you need:

    4 sided
    6 sided
    8 sided
    10 sided
    12 sided and
    2x 20 sided

    That should get you through the basics.

