Monday, October 12, 2009

Woohoo! Back in Training!

Over the past few weeks, I have taken two trips to the boardwalk. The first time I was only able to walk approximately 3 miles. The second trip was spent walking the entire boardwalk 2x: starting in the middle, going to one end then to the other, and back to the middle.

Tonight was the third trip and training has definitely started again! I am so glad to be back running. I ran the same trip that I did the last time. That boardwalk is so not 3 miles. It is more like just over two and a half. I ran it in 01:05:39.

My training partner walked it in 01:28:22. Had his blister not been bothering him, we would have tried to walk a full six miles. Oh well, don't want to hurt ourselves before the race!

Goal: continue training on weekends in addition to the few times during the week.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Good While

Well, school has definitely begun and I am back into the swing of things. Since my last post the Rock N' Roll half marathon took place and I am pleased to announce I achieved my goal; I broke 3 hours. Granted, I only broke it by 27 seconds...but hey, I still broke it. My goal for next year is to break 2 hours and 50 minutes. I think I can do it.

Training has pretty much stopped due to the busy-ness of everyday life. I will have to schedule some time for running, probably in the mornings before school??? Will have to see once life sorta calms down.

Some other news: I may be moving into a house within the next three months - still waiting on the realtor.

Not much more to say. The day has been busy and full of complaints that I am not in much of a mood to write.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oh no! School!!

My last weekend of fun...poo. I don't know what I'm going to do when school starts. I'm not going to have the same amount of time that I do now.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Been a while

Just thought I would update this since it's been a while. I haven't been able to do much training because I've been instructing. School is about to start and I've also been preparing for that.

Summer is coming to a close, this has been a great summer, one of my best. So many new experiences, not enough time!

To recap:
hospital stays, sleeping outdoors, almost "dying" on long road trips, allergic to dogs, twins, finding him, playing overnight, tennessee, kung fu panda and k9, rainforest cafe and opry mills mall, the hotel room, old people, eye candy, "I know him!", so called camping (but great resort), gonna have to find wetsuits, falling for him, the ring, more of the hospital, and playing!

I am so not ready for school; I am having too much fun!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


What a fun experience! I hope to be nominated again in a couple years to attend the event once more. So many martial artists of various styles willing to socialize, share techniques, and just plain have fun!

Other than the airplane ride and my camera breaking, the trip was definitely a unforgettable experience. Even if I get nominated again, the company, the dressing up, and the hotel room could never be duplicated.

To top it off, I received numerous compliments on my dress - from complete strangers!

Still battling an enormous headache, so I will post some pictures of the event at a later time.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A New Addiction

A very pleasant surprise and a new passion!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


That was the first time I did that!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

More Time

Yesterday's Chesapeake Training Update:

Not so good. Ran almost the first three miles. I decided to run with the sling but that made my back and shoulders hurt. I ended up walking the remainder of the workout with my training partner, ending up with 01:25:37. Not a bad walk.

Immediately after we completed 2 sets of adjusted crunches: 10 regular, 10 right side obliques, 10 left side obliques. That was a little difficult.

I guess it was a pretty good workout considering my physical inabilities.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Drop It Like It's Hot!

Chesapeake Training Update (yesterday):

- [4 laps] 3-miles split: 00:36:54 (slightly off due to starting 3 blocks away from original start; in other words, slightly longer than 3 miles)
- [8 laps] 6-mile split: 01:07:51
- [12 laps] 9-mile final time: 01:40:42 (I dropped 2 minutes!)

It was a nice overcast afternoon. This is probably the cause of my drop in time.

It was good to see two of my training partners improving!

Directly afterwards, 2 sets of adjusted crunches: 10 regular, 10 left side oblique, 10 right side oblique

Thursday, July 16, 2009

3 Weeks!


Got back from the doctor's. I turned down the MRI, so doc says most likely pulled tendon and 3 weeks of inactivity. To help me keep my arm immobilized I have to have it in a sling, poo.

LSD Time!

hmm...that's the second time this week I closed my eyes to rest and wake up in a strange bed and a man next to me ;P

I think I need to start paying attention to where I fall asleep!

Enough of that, now for the really great news, Chesapeake Training Update:

Yesterday, I broke all boundaries once more and ran my farthest distance and longest time.

- [4 laps] 3-mile split: 00:31:43
- [8 laps] 6-mile split: 01:06:41
- [12 laps] 9-mile final time: 01:42:05!! YAY!

Immediately following was martial arts training beginning with two sets of "adjusted" crunches: 10 regular, 10 right side obliques, 10 left side obliques. I need to up those numbers; my abs need more of a workout despite being sore.

Also, did something to my right shoulder (possibly, pulled a muscle) when trying to complete 15 regular push-ups. Now my right arm is dead to certain activities. Might have to pay the doc a visit; pain doesn't seem to subside even with discontinued use.

What also makes yesterday's training just absolutely wonderful: I picked up another training partner and my original Chesapeake training partner is making progress as well!

I'll probably continue with doing only 9 miles until I can get my time down to approximately 01:36:00.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Night Rides Are Just As Fun!

Now I know I'm addicted! So far, the only vehicle that does not nauseate my senses is riding passenger on a motorcycle; go figure.

It is so much fun, even at night!

A buddy of mine keeps insisting that if I get my permit, he'll teach me to ride. Let it be known: my family would kill me if I ever got a bike, got into an accident, and did not die from it! Too bad this fact doesn't deter me; because, if I ever get out of debt, I may have to consider :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Little More Awake

Yesterday was one of those bad days; however, that's in the past so let's move on!

Today's Training Update was in Chesapeake:
- [4 laps] 3-mile split: 00:31:04
- [8 laps]6-mile split: 01:04:44 (2 minutes slower than the first three miles, poo)
- [10 laps] 7 1/2 mile time: 01:22:54 (yeah, go ahead and do the math; I ran the last mile and a half in 18 minutes - just plum pitiful)

Directly after that, martial arts training commenced with a brief warm-up and stretches for a new student. Then I began my speed training on the free-standing-bag, just hand strikes. Boy, is my upper body endurance also plum pitiful. I may start doing some laps with weights. That portion of the training probably was just over a half hour.

no bike ride today :o[

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Trashmore Training Update

01. woke up late
02. ran 2 loops
03. 3-mile split: 00:33:14
04. final time: 1:05:04
05. so tired
06. laundry/sleep
07. eat lasagna! yay!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Nice Day for a Ride

For the first time, I got to ride a motorcycle. That was way too fun.

By the by, I think my muscles are finally getting back to normal in enough time to try for 9 miles tomorrow! This morning, my entire upper body was screaming pain.

Friday, July 10, 2009

More Cheese, Please!

Unexpected Training Update

- "Completed" with the help of another training partner:

For the most part, using a hatchet, chopped the top portion of a dead tree trunk spanning approximately 12 inches in diameter.
- exerted much upper body strength as well as a good horse stance on supporting branches to gain better leverage.

In other news...
The 9 mile run didn't happen due to sleep over-ruling the insane portion of my mind that even wanted to go on the run in the first place.

My legs got a fair workout with constant squatting or kneeling while pulling up weeds.



Top Story:
YAY! I received an awesome gift from a great friend! I'll have to show it off! Can't wait!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Somebody Bring the Cheese...

...I need to whine:


...ah well, try for 9 miles tomorrow ;0)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Glutton for Punishment

LSD twice in one week is torture; however...I'M LOVING IT!!

I think I actually am losing some inches...??? Don't know for sure but some of my pants are slightly looser.

By the by, those "adjusted" crunches are killing me! My abs are so sore from those as well as coughing up a lung, it is even difficult to breathe. Ah well, enough belly aching for now.

Training Update in Chesapeake:

10 laps! WAAAAHOOOO! My farthest and longest distance so far this rock n' roll training season. Final time: 1:34:45 for 7 and a half miles. Three mile split: 00:34:39. And six mile split: 1:14:11. Yeah, yeah. I totally slacked off towards the end there, but I wanted to make sure I finished the 10 laps.

Believe it or not, I was actually pacing myself for the first 2 and 3/4 miles. The last quarter I kinda died. From then on, I stopped pacing and simply concentrated on getting in my 10.

Martial arts training was nice and easy, considering I could barely move. An interested mom and son came by for the last twenty-five minutes or so and watched training. I think we may have convinced her to stay. She liked the idea that I substituted physical therapy with a trained therapist for martial arts training. Martial arts has always been beneficial for my health and well-being.

Monday, July 6, 2009

More LSD...

That was so much fun! I really didn't think I would manage anything more than maybe 3 miles; however, that was not to be the case:

Today's training update consisted of 9 laps (which is approximately 6 and 3/4 miles)!! WOOHOO! Slowly but, surely I will be able to do 8 miles no problem! I can't wait. The last laps were paced at 8 minutes. That was a pain but well worth the effort. All together is 1:14:43. The 3 mile split is 00:33. I really wanted to do the last 10th lap that I've been saying I would do but have failed over the past couple weeks since Chesapeake training had started. Unfortunately, time moved faster than I.

My training partner has introduced me to some different crunches that should force me to lose some of the inches I've been desperately trying to shed.

Self-defense martial arts training immediately followed the run. My legs felt like jello, but I felt extraordinarily good.

Much of this is a surprise considering my weekend was spent with my cousin, her twins, my aunts and uncle, and two ginormous dogs! I am totally allergic to the dogs. For some odd reason I thought the dogs would not be around all the time, oh well, that's what I get for thinking. After the run, my throat felt it was on fire and I couldn't seem to catch my breath. I think I need to hack-up a hairball!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

On the Road Again

Another weekend away. Should be fun! This time I'm with my crazy aunts and uncle!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

LSD Time!

Today's Training Update involves what some runners call "LSD", Long Slow Distances. And that is precisely what I did considering not enough strength has returned to my body.

I worked out at Chesapeake run/walking for 1:15:23. I ran about 4 miles of the 7 laps. Immediately following I endured martial arts training, starting with 50 crunches and 40 table push-ups. Not one of my better days when practicing self-defense, speed, and instinctual reflexes. My head still refuses to allow me to see, think, or even walk straight. Time and rest is the only cure. Oh well.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm Back!


Can't wait 'til the next trip up!

P.S. One of the days I had a pretty good workout. The rest of the days were spent playing. Oh well. So I slacked off a bit. I'll work twice as hard next week when I get my strength back from travelling.

I never thought I would be able to survive a 12 hour road trip!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Can't Wait!

Should be a fun weekend!

P.S. Hopefully I'll be able to get a workout though...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Another Workout!?!

This mornings endeavour, as pitiful as it may have been, was a little unusual for my training routine which does not mean the rest of the day should be just as unusual. After a great movie and a brief stroll through one of my favourite stores, I proceeded to Chesapeake for my evening exercises.

Since having ran this morning, I lessened my mileage as well as time. My training partner had already began their stroll around the park completing 5 1/2 laps. This is also with 5 lb weights, not what I would recommend for the beginner or even intermmediate trainer unless you have had prior weight training. Anyways, I completed 4 laps at 00:32:24 and ran/walk the last lap with my training partner. Immediately following was an hour of martial arts training beginning with 60 crunches, 40 push-ups, and much needed stretching.

I am thoroughly physically tired, not exhausted but tired. And it is a good "tired". I had a great training day! I am sore, but I feel good :o)

Okay, I'm Tired :o)

Today was a Mt. Trashmore run:

2 1/2 loops at 1:25:47. The first loop split was at 00:33:49. The second loop split was at 1:06:23. That's the longest I have run in a while, yay! No bo workout; I took too long to go around the lake that my running partner was finishing soon after me.

Onward to see Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Late Monday Afternoon Training Update

Well that was pitiful...again!

Chesapeake run: 8 laps at 1:06:36 with a 00:32:16 split. One lap is approximately 3/4 a mile so hopefully I ran about 6 miles. The next 45 minutes was spent stretching, crunches, push-ups, and various other exercises for strengthening my legs and stretching out my back muscles. My back still seems to be giving me grief. I guess that's going to take a while to heal.

My training partner in Chesapeake had to stop walking after the 4th lap. Not bad for just starting to walk distances! Blisters can really be a pain if your feet aren't accustomed to the wear and tear that happens inside the shoe.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Morning Training Update

That was somewhat relaxing. Two loops (yay!) at approximately 6 miles 1:05:25 with a 00:35:14 split. Heh, I thought it amusing that my second loop was 5 minutes faster than the first! :oP

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! to all the dads, soon-to-be-dads, and "Fathers"! May the blessings of your children bring you joy for many years.

Now to gather in Suffolk!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Back on the Pavement

So, I am finally out of the hospital and back on the pavement wearing off more rubber from the soles of my shoes.

I actually felt pretty good and was willing to run 2 loops; however, the "other" was not, and so I ran a relaxing approximate 3 miles at 00:34:04.

Tomorrow I plan on the 2 loops. Let's see if it'll happen! :o]

Monday, June 15, 2009

Second Post of the Day??

Wow, didn't think I would have that much free time to type two posts in one day! Ah well, just amusing myself!

Anyways, this is another Training Update:

My efforts for developing a regular routine for the summer are underway! I am pleased that I have continued training without a single day off and I still have a bit of energy. hmm...makes a difference when you don't have to deal with school work and screaming, irresponsible kids.

I completed another approximate 3 miles at 00:32:39. This time I ran in Chesapeake. Directly afterwards: 50 crunches and 25 push-ups.

After a bit of stretching, martial arts training soon commenced and lasted for just over an hour. I definitely need to work on my leg strength.

Race and Training Update

I'm a little late on the post but I thought I'd post anyways:

Saturday's Children's Hospital 8k run was terrible. I was not prepared for the humidity as well as the heat. Since the course was predominantly neighborhood and the like, no air seemed to circulate unless you were running faster than my pace.

However, despite the challenge I finished the race with a not so nice time of 1:01:27 according to my watch, and 1:01:41 according to chip time. I am one minute slower than the Shamrock 8k. :[ boo. If I hadn't walked those few minutes, I probably would have been under the hour. Oh well. I'll have to train harder so that my back won't be so sore from breathing so hard when the weather is thick.

Although I had run a race Saturday, I maintained my training schedule and took a trip out to the hills completing my usual 1 loop easy workout: approximately 3 miles at 00:32:34 concluding with an hour bo workout. The bo workout turned out to be more of stretching than too much of bo training.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Training Update and School Progress

Alright, so I think this is the last Training Update until the race:

approximately 3 miles (1 loop; trying to take it easy) at 00:30:27. Even though my back is still giving me grief, I felt pretty good. I sort of wanted to do another loop, but better judgement told me to take it easy if I wanted to do well on the 8K.

Thanks again for keeping me company for the first mile!

As for school progress, at the end of yesterday all of Hall C (only classrooms in use) and the 2 sixth grade classrooms are "bagged and tagged" (excluding the one dud in 6B, which will be needing replacing along with PK4 Petrusky). As of the end of today, all of Sabato Wing has begun the updating process. Two computers have had Disk Cleanups and Defrags, but later found more updates. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow I can finish Sabato Wing. Friday I will not be working on the computers for the electricity will be shut down to the system.

Much thanks for lunch and all the help with Sabato Wing! I am sure with your help (and computers willing) Sabato will be finished before 2PM!

Now I am off to get a few things ready before I head out to Suffolk.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pretty Much Over

WOOHOO! Finally! After an exhausting weekend and almost making myself too sick to even make it into work, school is officially over! However, I still have to get quite a few things cleaned up before I can truly call it quits for the summer. So basically, I will be returning to the school for probably a couple more weeks until I can finish. It will be nice to work without constant disruption, though! I gots to remember my mp3 player; it gets pretty boring.

Wish me luck for this weekend: the Children's Hospital 8k race will be early Saturday. Let's see if I can finish under an hour. My last race (about 3 months ago) was the Shamrock 8k and I finished that one just over an hour. I finished that race with 2 hurt ankles and a knee that doesn't like the cold mixed with strenuous exercise giving me tons of pain with every step I took. If I can finish that race in pain and just over an hour, I should be able to finish this one under and hour with minimal pain. *wish I hadn't hurt my back* If I really want to challenge myself and don't care about the consequences later, I could try and pace with my older sister! That might be wishful thinking though! ;0P

Guess I should make a special request: play the "rain song" early Saturday! Hopefully rain will keep temperatures down.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another Week Bites the Dust

Training Update:

2 loops, approximately 6 miles at 1:06:36 with an approximate 34 minute split time. Running partner had already completed 18 miles in the past 2 days so times are little slower. I could have sped it up but ever since my back issues, my legs lack a lot of strength and my hips welcomed all sharp pains. Oh yeah, no bo workout today.

Side note: almost done with school. I have 2 more days and then I am finally home free. Nothing can stand in my way of exercising, practicing piano, and building up a portfolio (among other smaller projects).

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Finally, Another Training Update

I actually ran last Sunday, but my schedule has been a bit hectic and exhausting that I failed to post on time. So, here it is:

Considering I had pulled a muscle in my back the Tuesday prior, I ran approximately 3 miles ( 1 figure-8) at 00:31:52. Then, a gentle climb to the top of the hill for another 30-minute workout with my bo staff.

Side note: School is almost over!!!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Terminator Salvation and Night at the Museum Battle of the Smithsonian

So, I guess I am not as insane as I, and everyone else, would like to think. I did take today off from any sort of athletics. Now I am lying awake thinking about tomorrow and what it may bring. Fortunately, I figured out how to commence the online summer school. All I need to do now is figure out how to customize my own web site with quizzes and worksheets with automatic feedback and data collection.

Alright, enough about me. Here are two more movie reviews:

Terminator Salvation

What to say...special effects were awesome. But, I think that is really all I can say. The story seemed nonexistent, except for the obvious that was given in the trailer: machine thinks it's human; real humans react favorably as well as unfavorably to this new machine; machine has a choice to do as it is programmed (destroy humans) or try and become what it could never be - human. I think the trailer gave away too much. I am also disappointed with John Connor. All the original Terminator movies make John Connor to be some sort of prophet to the "resistance". This movie was the perfect opportunity to display some of this prophetic behavior. Unfortunately, I am not a big fan of Christian Bale. With this in mind, John Connor had no personality, charisma, nor any real character to make him distinct, honorary, and just plain heroic. Any other actor probably could have been sufficient and might have brought a different appeal to the character. Never (that I know of) has John Connor's character been thoroughly been defined, except through word-of-mouth. As a viewer, I have always been expected to accept John's heroism and allow him to make choices that I should believe in. For me, this is not so; Christian Bale's portrayal of John Connor simply lacked...

Besides this major character flaw, I didn't feel the sense of anxiety that I did for the existing Terminator movies. Yes, I was rather young and most likely was easily scared of those things horrific to any seven-year-old; however, those same anxieties still exist when I watch it now despite my age. The difference from 1984 to now is that I have much better control over my emotions than before and life experiences help me to better understand the fiction of it.

Night at the Museum Battle of the Smithsonian

The first Night at the Museum was new, original, and simply refreshing. What a great premise and appeal to the youth of today: Museums can really bring history to life. This second movie lost that initial appeal. This one seemed calculated and redundant. The same sort of jokes were said again and again without enthusiasm or even originality. Now I can't be too mean; I did enjoy the movie. It was funny. However, it seemed as though it was a movie to see how many times they can make children laugh. Now I like a good children's story, but this one seemed too elementary without a real cause. What was the moral? What was the enlightening truths that children everywhere will unknowingly understand through laughter and adventure?

Despite its elementary nature, the lead female was really annoying. She was overbearing, rude, inconsiderate, and "airy" - she liked to hide her intellect. Yet, the lead male was continually polite, courteous, and welcoming. Well that has a nice moral to it, but in the end he never mentions the modifications needed in her behavior. She is allowed to be a "bad" person without any sort of ramifications.

Oh well, for a while all the movies I had been seeing have been really fun. As the saying goes, "all good things must come to an end."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday's Training Update

Despite reason, I ran again anyways, two laps even! Yes, it was a little slower and little more of a struggle (ok, it was a massive struggle!!) but I forgot all sanity and finished the second lap of approximately 6 miles at 01:03:04. What's kind of funny is that I had a 32 split time. I ran the second lap a minute faster than the first! Then, I walked as slow as I could up the hill to loosen up my upper body with a 30 minute bo workout including 50 crunches.

I must have been really tired. I fell once and again, the bo kept jumping out of my possession too many times to count ;P

Alright, time to take a warm shower to keep the muscles nice and loose and then off to do my required time with family =D

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Training Update

This week has been a little rough.

Last Thursday: 15 up and down approximately 10 stairs at a pace I should have done slower. Now I am paying for it with very tight, sore calf and shin muscles.

On top of that, today: approximately 6 miles (YAAHOO! more distance in addition to time) at 1:02:18. Split was 00:31 minutes. Then a moderate walk up hill for an approximate 30 minute bo workout. Stupid bo kept jumping out of my hands! I think it knew I was tired and was trying to tell me to rest.

It's rather entertaining to see me "walk" around! Despite the difficulty walking and going up and down stairs, a very good week. I can feel my muscles getting stronger!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Movie Review: Somewhere In Time (1980)

Somewhere In Time (1980)

Richard Matheson is one of my favorite SF writers. Yes, Somewhere In Time is a bit "dated" in its production but its story can be told throughout the ages. I saw this movie when I was very young, probably no more than 3 feet tall. I remember seeing Superman; this became one of those moments where I realized the concept of actors - people pretending to be other people for the entertainment of others. This movie also taught me how to wonder. Of all the movies and television shows and cartoons of my youth, it was this movie that began my sense of wonder. My mom was always bothered with questions like: How did he know her before he met her?, Does time travel really work?, What is hypnotism?, Do you think if I try time travel, it would really work?, Would you miss me as much as he missed her?

Granted, this is a love story and the genre has really never been palatible - until now. I knew the story was about love, but it appeared to be more. Well, maybe not more, but rather different. I had never seen anyone love as much and as passionately as Richard Collier, the main character. Bear in mind, I am not talking about intimate passion; I am referring to the passion one has when there body shakes with emotion, sometimes literally.

Alright ... so why, might you ask, am I writing a review on an almost 30 year old movie that doesn't seem to connect with anything. Simply this, I heard one of my all-time favorite classical pieces and it is played quite often in this movie; so, I watched the movie again after a very long hiatus. The following is a video I made to give you a little insight into the movie:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Audio/Video Test

Counting Down the Days

Summer vacation is banging down my door! I have been ready to let it in at any moment, but others keep getting in my way. Today is usually one of my slower days - meaning, I have fewer classes and am free to literally run throughout the school and complete much of the tasks I was unable to complete from other days. However, today was like any other: class, run an errand, class, run an errand, class, run a bunch of errands, class. The only difference is that I was able to fit in a quick doctor's visit, set up another appointment, then, during a rapid lunch, quietly wallow in self pity because of the prospect of surgery again.

As soon as lunch was over so was the wallowing - back to work. I love getting an assignment that requires the cooperation of twelve teachers and the students just two days in advance.

Which brings me to today's Training Update. I briskly walked approximately 2 miles through the hallways at school. Granted, it helped loosen my legs which were pretty tight from the stretching and the workout from yesterday's "physical therapy". However, I feel tomorrow's forecast might very well be pain, creeping in at every movement and light sprinkles of calf-muscle-cramping to set the atmosphere just right.

Now that I have a moment to relax, I came across the following quote in one of the blogs I follow. It made me think about my marketing techniques I use for myself as well as the techniques I use for others.

From Lewis Hyde’s book, ‘The gift, Imagination and the erotic life of property’:

A work of art is a gift, not a commodity…Every modern artist who has chosen to labor with a gift must sooner or later wonder how he or she is to survive in a society dominated by market exchange .

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Decisions, decisions...

Yesterday I received a letter requesting my presence (in Tennessee) to receive an award I had been nominated for and will receive. Supposedly this is a pretty big deal. So instead of simply turnig it down, I feel like I should accept rather than insult those who want to give it to me as well as the person who nominated me. Here's the conflict; I really haven't the funds (but I could probably scrape that up) and, I don't really travel all that well by myself.

Alright, weighing the pros against the cons: 2 against 1 in favor of the cons.... The question remains: is the award, and the people that go along with it, worth the trouble of finacial strains and physical weaknesses? I want to say 'yes," since I have been told this is a once in a lifetime achievement...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

To Be a Slacker, Or Not To Be a Slacker...?


Alright, this past weekend came and went like the passing of gas! Because of Friday and Saturday's adventures this week's Training Update has been zilch! I seriously considered running at "o" dark hundred hours this morning; however, when my sister called, asking "Do you want to run?" I could only reply, "Not really. Too tired." So I rolled over and slumbered for another four or five more hours. I finally feel a little rested considering I just completed approximately 12 hours of sleep.

But I wouldn't say this whole week was a bust from training. Earlier in the week, I actually "did" have some energy. Running 15 laps up and down approximately 10 stairs was relatively easy as well as the 15 push-ups/crunches ladder. Although, the ladder was a bit harsh; my abs are still a little sore from that Thursday night "physical therapy". Come to think of it, I haven't done 120 push-ups and crunches (all at one time) in a while. That reminds me, I'll have to post a picture of my black eye I received Tuesday night at "physical therapy". It's getting nice and dark. If only I ran into that fist with my other eye creating a symmetrical effect...

Alright now for a review: Angels and Demons

If you liked The DaVinci Code, you most definitely would like Angels and Demons. I skimmed through both Dan Brown's novels but did not read thoroughly. I scanned to simply get the "gist" of all the commotion with the church. Despite what the church might say or do, this movie is well worth the watch. Yes, it is a long movie: over two hours. But length most certainly did not slow the pace.

The opening monologue transition into the action was alarmingly pleasant. The story itself proved enlighteningly educational as well as entertaining. Tom Hanks and the leading lady (I'm too lazy to look up her name), worked exceptionally well together. I enjoyed how their relationship was a distant friendship made "real" through common experiences; they had a very believable relationship. This is different from the DaVinci Code where Tom Hanks and the leading lady seemed to grow closer together, but had to remain apart - almost as though they were supposed to become closer but the story didn't allow it to happen. It seemed to bother me.

One major downfall that almost literary made me mirror said description, is the camera movement. Because of my personal inabilities, I am sensitive to camera movement in addition to camera angling. After watching such a fun adventure with unintentionally humorous moments, I left feeling weak, unstable, and simply down right sick. When going to the movies, it's pretty cool to feel like you are actually a part of the action and the world in front of you. However, I really enjoy a movie that can give me the impression of participating in a character's car chase without ever having to feel the heat of the imminent wreckage that most often occurs.

With that said, all in all: a wonderful adventure into the long debate between church and science. Mystery and intrigue drives the audience through mazes of fact and fiction, belief and un-belief, leaving our senses quickened and our perspectives broadened.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How To Teach Socialism

A Perfect Civics Lesson:

An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class. That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said ok, we will have an experiement in this class on socialism.

All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A. After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. But, as the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too; so they studied little.. The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an F.

The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great; but when government takes all the reward away; no one will try or want to succeed.

Could not be any simpler than that....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Star Trek 2009: A Modest Review remembering "Way Back When'

Whoa! What an awesome ride, awesome adventure, and characters brought back from ages ago seen in a new light! The original Star Trek series came out in 1966. Who knew it would continue its fame throughout the ages! This sci-fi is truly beyond time. I saw this past weekend. Once more making a few sacrifices, suffering sleep deprivation and feeling the pangs of hunger, in addition to chauffeuring a sibling after a long and weary day. Oh the agony of such sacrifices all for the great cause of Star Trek.

What caught my attention with this film is that the writers and directors were not trying to recreate the original characters exactly as before, continuing our love of the series. Instead, it was written with the knowledge that they would never be able to duplicate what time has rendered timeless. William Shatner will always play the best Captain Kirk. Leonard Nimoy will always be the true Spock, and so on with all the remaining original cast members. The story is such that the series will live on through the same "charming" characters and personalities, but we will know they are different because they must. This Star Trek is so true to the genre that we have no choice but to see different faces to the same characters yet feel the presence of those same, "old" personalities. And still, we accept that.

On a personal note, ever since I can remember I have been a fan of the original Star Trek television show. It reminds me of better times I spent with my father. No one else in the family was as devoted as he and I. Even when we couldn't watch the reruns together (because of conflicting schedules), he would record the show so we could watch it together. I was really young and didn't know any better. Despite the different ages that these Star Treks are aired, what was true for Star Trek in 1966 is true for today's 2009 version. After watching this Star Trek, I was transported back in time to my youth, sitting in the family room with my father and enjoying a great story, with a great message, and leaving me with a sense of wonder about the whole world beyond my own.

Training Update: last Sunday. Approximately 4 miles (eeee! I'm increasing mileage!) at 00:48:21. A 50 meter sprint uphill - that was almost just as hard as the 48-minute run! Then, about 30 more minutes of a bo workout.

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Dying Art

Proofreading is a dying art, wouldn't you say?

The following are actual titles to articles published in various printed mediums:

01. Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife and Daughter

02. Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says

- No carp, really? Ya think?

03. Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers

- Now that's taking things a bit far!

04. Miners Refuse to Work after Death

- No-good-for-nothing' lazy so-and-so's!

05. Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant

- See if that works any better than a fair trial!

06. War Dims Hope for Peace

- I can see where it might have that effect!

07. If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile

- Ya think?!

08. Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures

- Who would have thought!

09. Enfield (London) Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide

- They may be on to something!

10. Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges

- You mean there's something stronger than duct tape?

11. Man Struck By Lightning: Faces Battery Charge

- He probably IS the battery charge!

12. New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group

- Weren't they fat enough?!

13. Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft

- That's what he gets for eating those beans!

14. Kids Make Nutritious Snacks

- Do they taste like chicken?

15. Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half

- Chainsaw Massacre all over again!

16. Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors

- Boy, are they tall!

And the winner is....

17. Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead

- Did I read that right?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oh, Muse!

Oh, Muse! Rest thy dissonant discords of failed overtures!

Alas, another weekend has come and gone and not a single note. It definitely was busier than imagined, but still - I have no excuse for not practicing Moonlight. Sad, I feel I may have forgotten those many hours of laborious memorization.

The week is almost over leaving four weeks until school breaks for summer vacation. Oh the agony of the wait...patience.

So, it is way past my bedtime and sleep escapes my senses leaving me here, typing on the computer, hoping to burn my eyes into blissful slumber. I regret this method has much flaw, for I have been known to stay up even later, engrossed in some remedial, online, addictive brain teaser demanding I do better with every click of "New Game". Granted, my score does improve, but my sleeping habits do not. Now I am rambling about nothing at all for lack of imagination. And so, I shall leave you on that "note" intending to pursue the over-rated, domesticated habit called sleeping.

End Note: The picture was hand-drawn April 1, 1988. It was an illustration to a poem, I wrote, personifying worry. Worry displayed it's emotional name much to the discomfort a pillow, filled of feathers. Needless to say, by the end of the poem not a single feather remained within the confines of the once neatly sewn fabric. I'd like to say that no pillows were harmed in the writing of the poem, but that would be a lie. However! I can say that no bird was harmed in the writing of the poem! Yet, I don't know if any bird was harmed in the making of the pillow...?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Last Night!

Interesting to say the least. Last night's escapade developed into a drunken stupor where I was privileged enough to bare witness. So what did I witness?

Here are highlights from last night's mis-adventure:
01. Stumbling down the hall.
02. Splattered vomit directly beside the trash can.
03. Slicing pie at 15 minute intervals due to each slice taking that long to be removed from the tray and placed onto the plate.
04. Vodka breath.
05. Beer soaked shirts.
06. Unexpected grabbing of "tails" in a game of Heads and Tails.
07. Creating a moat around the crock pots.
08. A lost food warmer behind the seeker.
10. Incapability of "tying off" a trash bag.

However, despite the torture to my senses, everything I had worked on was "perfect." Money was spent and information was recorded without flaw.

Observing was amusing but not worth a 1 AM bedtime with a 6 AM wake-up call. Which brings us to today's "Training Update":

Another approximate 3 mile run at 00:31:07. Then an approximate 1 hour bo workout.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

X-Men Origins Wolverine Review

Alright, Friday was busy as usual having back-to-back classes without pause. Wait, I lied. I did have a moment during fourth period to read some funnies online.During first period, I had a visit from a college friend just stopping by to say hi before the military ships him off mid-May. That was a nice surprise. When not busy with class, I had to set-up the "ideal" for tonight's event. Yay, me; I made the "ideal" possible!

After school I could have fallen over from exhaustion, but found out this new X-Men movie opened yesterday. Knowing I would be pretty busy the remainder of the weekend and I just couldn't wait a whole week to see the movie, I starved just a little longer, stapled my eyelids open, and drove to the theater. The movie was worth the small sacrifices of splurging ;P

Here is my review:

Excellent movie. It was fun, had interesting twists, and believable character personalities. There were very few definitely predictable events within the plot moving the story slow enough for interpretation but quick enough to maintain interest. Some of the effects could have been blended a little better to keep the "realism" of the setting, especially Wolverine's "claws" - this became increasingly distracting. All in all, the pacing was sufficient, characters came alive, and the movie satisfied my interest as well as entertained my senses. A fun adventure to free yourself from the everyday mundane.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I Am Having Withdraw!

Ack! It has been too long since my last "real" time with my new love of my life! I am starting to forget a lot of what I worked so hard to memorize. Hopefully this weekend will allow me more quality time.

Training Update: Non-existent, other than trying to keep my eyes open while on the road in rush hour traffic. Possibly this Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I'll make a trip to mountain territory to tackle another 30 minutes. If my body can handle it, ideally, I would like to run 45 minutes to an hour...we'll see.

hmmm...grades are due Wednesday, the auction computers need to be set-up for this Saturday, and computers are failing all over the school; yeah, summer vacation needs to hurry up and get here! At least these school related obligations have to be completed this week leaving my weekend open and next week a little lighter.

Here is something that I received in my e-mail:

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Run Away!

Training Update

Well I ran again today. I am hurting. My body already started off tired so my breathing was hectic and I didn't feel like I wanted to move. However, my competitiveness within me willed my body to exercise. I really want to drop my time in the rock 'n roll half marathon - definitely breaking 3 hours. Ideally, I would like to break 2:50:00:00. Although, just breaking three will suffice.

So, I ran approximately 3 miles at 00:28:55:38. Woohoo, I broke 30 minutes! I wasn't prepared to do this but I felt tired and thought I was going slow, so I pushed myself harder - unknowingly picking up the pace. I'm going to pay for that later, though.

Now I'm off to accomplish a few eating.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

First Real Attempt

Alright. So, yes, I am sleep deprived because of my shiny "new" toy. I will now attempt to limit how much I practice. Although, my determination in finishing this one song is oh so overpowering. What ever am I to do! My CDO is most definitely kicking in and I must find completion! =]

By the by, the results for some "procedures" seem to present themselves in my favor. Today's field trip was a much better visit than that of a couple days ago. Hopefully, all's well and will end well.


Since this first initial post, I have been practicing for an hour and a half. Moonlight is almost re-memorized with minimal mistakes. The real test is to see if I can play it without music on a real piano. Now that it's 11:30 pm and certain movies have been downloaded to the correct location, I must sleep.

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Last Five Hours!

I set up my new toy and spent hours practicing one song! Both wrists are sore and so are my fingers on my right hand; it's wonderful!! I never thought I would be able to practice like that again! After all that practice, what do I have to show for it? =) The first 2 pages of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata re-memorized! Yay, me.

I figured I should start with a rather simple song to loosen my fingers. This song in particular always reminds me of Liberace. I remember watching TV and seeing a clip of him in his later years, playing this song without a keyboard. I was very young and did not understand what he was doing. I did not understand why he was moving his fingers as though he were actually playing the keys on the piano. However, the piece played despite the non-existent instrument. As my intrigue of this phenomenon increased, I found myself rapt in his passion. I remember the emotion conveyed in his face as he put his entire being into the song. I finally understood that while his eyes were closed, he pretended to play a piano, and we, as viewers, heard the song as though we were hearing his thoughts.

From then on, I practiced playing with as much passion as he. Although I have said many time over that I have committed emotional suicide, I realize that these emotions merely have been dormant. Now I am able to allow my emotions to rage freely through the songs I play.

Training Update

My days of involuntary training to and from school are over (for now). Unfortunately, due to unforeseen consequences, the day progressed leaving me incapable of training elsewhere for the next "couple" of days, as well. Yet, light shines with the arrival of a means for music in my home once more =]

Maybe I'll record a bit of my playing, visually as well as audibly, for those that might take an interest.

I think I might need to arrange a few things in my humble abode to provide adequate accommodations. Can't wait!

Monday, April 20, 2009

So it comes to this...

The following words is an excerpt taken from The Lost Diaries of a Would-Be Hero.

Today I lived reminiscent of the days of my youth. Those days seemed dim and unrequited, void of hope and full of fear. Yet, now I found bravery (or was it bravado?) I found fore site (or has the future been predestined and coming forthwith?) I found knowledge (or has it been merely only what my ignorance allows?) My journey has been but small and insignificant and I must endure for the remainder of the journey is long. Until then, may I not walk into what could "blow up" before me.

Training Update:
Walked less than a mile to and from school with twenty extra pounds of various school supplies on my back. Will most likely have to take up this routine until circumstances prove otherwise. Hopefully the rain subsides, at least for the duration of these brief outdoor excursions.

No rain song, please. Well, perhaps only when accommodating shelter is near!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

One Small Adventure

What would a day be without one small adventure? I thought, as my last day of vacation, that a calm movie and dinner with a good friend should bring a wonderful break to completion. This was not to be the case. Yet, however small the inconsistency in plans, it was still an adventure worthy to be had. Unfortunately, my only measure of triumph are two bloodied knuckles and a dirty pink shirt. Now time to sit back a relax for the remainder of my "time off".

A Reply to "Blog Post #25":

All this talk of good, evil, and neutral reminded me of one of my really early pencil drawings when I had those attributes in mind.

Is evil that hand which is falling, while good reaches towards it?

Or, is evil that hand which has released the other, allowing the good to fall?

0r, will the hands never meet for there will always be an unseen barrier giving neither good nor evil the upper hand?

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Here is the finished product that was given today. I ended up receiving the board just yesterday and managed the "un-burning". I know I stated where the mistake was made, but ...

can you tell?

My overall opinion:
- not one of my best
- very generic to the point of unimaginative and sterile
- a plain reproduction of "nothing" in particular

However, to the receiver:
- ecstatic at the thought that it was made
- and outright giddy upon receiving as a gift

The following words is an excerpt taken from The Lost Diaries of a Would-Be Hero.

I do believe my muse has left me to dangle in a torrent of black winds causing an unraveling of my mind. I can only surmise that my current anxieties over the outcome for this coming Tuesday and the days to follow are the reason for my descent. Much to my dismay I have none to steer the darkness away. I succumb to thee without fail.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Training Update

Another early day. I actually felt a little better than my last run. I hope so; I need to be running 45 minutes without problem by the end of this month. At least, that's my goal.

Ran at Trashmore for approximately 3 miles at 30 minutes. Woohoo! I haven't decreased in time...yet, and still feeling strong!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I thought these were funny.

Training Update:
Ran at Trashmore, approximately 3 miles: 30 minutes

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cats Hanging Around

My first attempt at combining pyrography and scrollsawing.

I wasn't sure how the scrollsawing would work out and surprisingly I was able to pull off the simple cuts without too much damage apparent in the final product. I am unhappy with the burns; they seem so elementary and unthoughtful. Definitely room for improvement and experimentation. I might try painting the wood on my next one.

I think my main concern is that the whole project lacks any of my personality. Larger also might do the trick; we'll see.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Eagles Board

This board is supposed to be a gift to the founder of Eagles Self-Defense Academy. A friend proposed the idea and wished to work on the project as a joint effort. Sure, why not. Hopefully this endeavor might prove profitable some day.

This picture shows my completion within a week. The board itself was given to me on Thursday (2 April 2009). My friend now has the board as of 10 April 2009 so it can be completed.

Board is approximately 30 x 24 inches.
Eagles Self-Defense Academy logo.
Enamel Paint: Green, Red, and Yellow.
Double striped border, edge, and "EAGLES" to be shaded by collegue.

Here is list of what is left to be completed:
01. The border (to frame the image).
02. The shading of the word "eagles".
03. On the back, the word "eagles" penciled and burned.
04. On the back beneath the word "eagles", a list of all the black belts penciled and burned.


I just received a text that the year is incorrect. This should be fun attempting to "un-burn" the eight and burn it into a nine. I have made mistakes on burns before so this won't be too difficult to change.

This is my first joint burning project. With the mentality of "if you want something done right, than do it yourself", it is excessively difficult to allow my work to be passed to another having faith that what I have done won't be affected by the endeavors of the other

Training Update:
Ran at Trashmore approximately three miles: 33 minutes

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 1

Welcome to my musings!

Today is the last day before Spring Break! I have less than an hour before school dismisses and then only one other obligation in the evening before vacation truly begins. I can't wait!