This board is supposed to be a gift to the founder of Eagles Self-Defense Academy. A friend proposed the idea and wished to work on the project as a joint effort. Sure, why not. Hopefully this endeavor might prove profitable some day.
This picture shows my completion within a week. The board itself was given to me on Thursday (2 April 2009). My friend now has the board as of 10 April 2009 so it can be completed.
Board is approximately 30 x 24 inches.
Eagles Self-Defense Academy logo.
Enamel Paint: Green, Red, and Yellow.
Double striped border, edge, and "EAGLES" to be shaded by collegue.
Here is list of what is left to be completed:
01. The border (to frame the image).
02. The shading of the word "eagles".
03. On the back, the word "eagles" penciled and burned.
04. On the back beneath the word "eagles", a list of all the black belts penciled and burned.
I just received a text that the year is incorrect. This should be fun attempting to "un-burn" the eight and burn it into a nine. I have made mistakes on burns before so this won't be too difficult to change.
This is my first joint burning project. With the mentality of "if you want something done right, than do it yourself", it is excessively difficult to allow my work to be passed to another having faith that what I have done won't be affected by the endeavors of the other
Training Update:
Ran at Trashmore approximately three miles: 33 minutes