The following words is an excerpt taken from The Lost Diaries of a Would-Be Hero.
Today I lived reminiscent of the days of my youth. Those days seemed dim and unrequited, void of hope and full of fear. Yet, now I found bravery (or was it bravado?) I found fore site (or has the future been predestined and coming forthwith?) I found knowledge (or has it been merely only what my ignorance allows?) My journey has been but small and insignificant and I must endure for the remainder of the journey is long. Until then, may I not walk into what could "blow up" before me.
Training Update:
Walked less than a mile to and from school with twenty extra pounds of various school supplies on my back. Will most likely have to take up this routine until circumstances prove otherwise. Hopefully the rain subsides, at least for the duration of these brief outdoor excursions.
No rain song, please. Well, perhaps only when accommodating shelter is near!
No rain song???? Impossible request! Let it rain! Let it rain! Let it rain!